Trinity Teen Church uses the old Trinity Baptist Church Sanctuary which was built by Jerry Payne Construction under the direction of Ralph Sexton Sr.
There are many places a teenager can hang out, and with balance, I would not mind my kids being around this crowd. Seems like they have a great time and assist the next generation with keeping and passing on "the faith". Asheville has many churches and a wide religious diversity. Trinity Teen Church is under the Baptist denomination, but welcomes teenagers from any faith to join them and to sample the group. This church takes care of their teenagers.
I remember years ago, after teenager Crystal Davis was found dead in Enka Lake (now Biltmore Lake), Trinity Teen Church was the supporting group during this time of tragedy. A Youth Pastor named Jonathan Brown from Merrimon Ave Baptist Church, Tim Brady the Youth Minister of Trinity at the time, Officer Alan Scroggs, and Principle Nesbitt scrambled to assist the students of Enka High School during this time of grief and loss. From what I was told by Mr. Alfonso Lorenzo of Trinity Baptist Church, Crystal was a Marilyn Manson follower who recently had commited to Christianity, and was killed by her mothers boyfriend soon after. Trinity worked hard to help this family during this crisis.
For more information on Trinity Teen Church in Asheville North Carolina, please click HERE.
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