Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Volunteer for Asheville's RiverLink! First Session 1/14/09

ASHEVILLE – If you’ve ever thought you’d like to volunteer for RiverLink, the organization has expanded its volunteer information sessions.

Sessions will now be offered at 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. the second Wednesday of each month. Volunteers will help make the French Broad River watershed a healthier place to live, work and play. The first volunteer information session of 2009 will be Jan. 14.

Learn how to participate in a river cleanup, mark storm drains and take part in other outdoor volunteer opportunities. Or learn how to assist or lead an environmental education indoor program. RiverLink has a variety of volunteer programs indoors and out.

To attend one of the sessions or to learn more, contact volunteer@riverlink.org or 252-8474, ext. 118. Article taken from the Asheville Citizen Times. Also, check out their website at www.RiverLink.org


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