Monday, May 11, 2009

Terra Summer Camp 09 near Asheville NC!

Terra Summer empowers, builds knowledge, and heightens awareness of our world!!

Hey kids!!! What are you doing this summer? Sitting around bored, hot, wondering what is going on out there, maybe summer camps are too expensive, or maybe you are bored of the wonderful summer camps you usually attend... Maybe you are getting ready for high school and you want something different and interesting .... Here is a fun, affordable, cutting-edge, cool summer program that will get you looking at the world in a different way.

What will you do at Terra Summer? Make pies, pasta, and pizza, make your take-home worm home, learn to compost (and be kind to the earth), learn to cook great food from the coolest chef, Chad Gibson -- you will love him; learn all about how to grow your own .... watermelon from guru master horticulturist Pat Battle, learn to make some real Italian food, bake bread in our clay oven, grow your own veggies, make some pottery, learn about trade and fair trade and treating people on the other side of the globe in a cool way, the way you would want to be treated .... Learn what the world really looks like when you study it through food. And maybe sometimes we can throw some food around, too, depending on the mood of the chef. Maybe we can make MoonPies Terra-style, and cookies and do some really cool art and research a recipe that your grandma cooked for you. And sell produce from the Terra Veggie Van. And make new friends. And we can invite your parents to share with us. We will get all dirty and sweaty and learn that we can all have fun together in a very relaxed but smart way. And we are going to go for a field trip a week -- and at least once to pick berries and make jam for PB&Js. The whole idea is for you to understand that what you choose to eat and do matters -- not only to the people you see at dinner, but people you have never seen, around the globe. Children like you. Why should you care? Because you are one of those people, too.

We have changed the times and dates to best accomodate parents: July 6-August 14, 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. (drop-off as early as 8:30 a.m.!) We will facilitate late pick-up if needed. Let us know if you have any questions or comments or if we can facilitate you in any way. Yes, the program is six-weeks long, but we will learn and accomplish a lot.

What do you say? The first three kids who complete and mail in an application for Terra Summer, fully committing to coming, can come for free. On me. (You must be in grades 6-8.) Sign up. You will learn, have fun, be well taken care of, eat great food, be different when school rolls around again, understand the world better, and perhaps even yourself. And be in the most connected summer program around.

Best to you, Terra Staff

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