Sent in through our AskAsheville MySpace page today... "Hello, My name is Pam & I am pleading for any help I can find for my daughter, her husband & 3 children!I live in Arden in a small apartment. I encouraged my daughter to move here because the small town they were in folded up. There were no jobs available. They moved here this past July & have found a few jobs but haven't been able to find affordable housing & daycare. They lived with me until I was at risk of losing my apartment & moved into a house they couldn't afford. They cannot pass the credit checks for living here. They are hard workers & willing to do what they can to survive, but they are on the verge of being homeless as of today! We have even called all the shelters here & they were told they are full! Everyone is having a hard time because of the economy & you hear all the time of people losing everything they have & being put out on the street so I am trying to take care of my own. I just don't have any more ideas or resources. Please, Please if you can give me any ideas or resources or HELP please contact me. Pam D."
An Ode to Coffee Shops, Past and Present
This article originally appeared in the Augusta Free Press. I levitate when
I’m writing in a coffee
1 day ago
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