From the newsletter (goes out to thousands of builders, realtors, subs, and architects in Asheville)... "I had mentioned a devotional inspiration from a friend of mine in the last newsletter. I wanted to clarify a few things. Many of my friends have different religious backrounds. The lady who gave me the devotion is not committed to any certain religion, but gets inspiration from many different sources. A good example of this is Keller Williams who has agents all around the world... born, raised, and extremely happy in their faith and religion, whatever it is. I have friends all around the world who fit in this same category. I don't know about you, but I am kind of glad everyone is not like me and does not believe exactly what I may believe. The question to many of us is: Do I have to believe exactly like you to be your friend, have lunch with you, share events together, be a part of your company, advance to an associate within your ranks, etc? (Hint: your answer should be "of course not" and your common actions should follow) Religious discrimination has been a hush problem in this WNC area and some companies are even accused of not hiring because the applicants are not church members or because they do not share the same beliefs... and even firings when an employee stops attending "their" church. These extreme situations and many of the little ones we come across destroy any claim to faith we may think we have. Let and let live. Do not discriminate. Do not despise people that are different than you. We all are."
An Ode to Coffee Shops, Past and Present
This article originally appeared in the Augusta Free Press. I levitate when
I’m writing in a coffee
1 day ago
Well said!
I liked it too PhoeNix, so I snagged it. I have been on most sides, noticed myself getting judgemental and inhuman, and I bailed, lol.
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