I can't begin to say how many times I have been bored at home as my baby napped and I googled "play groups asheville" or "baby friendly events asheville" or "asheville mom group". I think all moms do that at some point. I've joined a few groups over the past 20 months of my son's life, but none were what I was really looking for. Then I finally found Asheville Mommies and fell in love. There's a huge online forum that is super easy to navigate (not like yahoo groups...ugh, I hate yahoo groups) and best of all, real life things to do. There is a calendar with events posted as well as an entire subforum to discuss events.
It is not just a play group or an online forum or a way to get out and socialize your child. It is a group of friends that are at the same point in life as you. We get together weekly at the Hop on Merrimon, with numerous other events sprinkled in throughout the week. We have mom's night out, where we break away to catch a movie or some drinks. It is exactly the kind of group that I spent hours online searching for. Come check us out at AshevilleMommies.com!
An Ode to Coffee Shops, Past and Present
This article originally appeared in the Augusta Free Press. I levitate when
I’m writing in a coffee
1 day ago
Great info Danielle. The Asheville Mommies are awesome. Great people, great website, great vibe, great Moms! Made your link live on this blog post. Let us know if you need anything else.
Great post, Danielle!!
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