Hashtags are a quick and easy way to label and track certain topics, groups, and ideas over the Asheville Twitter network. All you have to do is add a pound sign (#) and a word right after (no spaces) to use for Twitter tracking purposes.
For example: A popular hashtag in the Asheville area is #asheville. When someone is talking about something in the area, and wants to make sure that they defining their location, they add #asheville to the end of their tweets. So here is a sample tweet: “Had a great sandwich at Circle in the Square today #asheville.” Sometimes local communities and groups make up hashtags that are a little more detailed. For example: #avlrestaurants is a good one for Asheville Restaurants. Here is a sample tweet: “Great beer and dinner at Bellagio Bistro in North Asheville on Merrimon Ave. #avlrestaurants.” Oh, the avl (AVL) is short for Asheville if you are not familiar with the area.
Hashtags do not belong to AskAsheville or anyone else in Asheville. They are community property, if I may. When I am tweeting or retweeting something on Twitter about the Grove Park Inn, I sometimes use the hashtag #avlgpi to label the Tweet. When I am talking about an Asheville hair salon, I usually tag the tweet #avlhair. When I am mentioning an automotive service in Asheville, I use #avlauto after my sentence or so. Pretty simple.
You can also make your own hashtags to use on Twitter. If you wanted to tag your weekly meeting for your business or sales group, it is very easy. For example: “Meeting with some of the managers to go over our Green Building 2010 mission #gb2010” I just made a twitter hashtag called #gb2010 for simple identification and tracking. On Twitter or on the Twitter search, people can now click that hashtag link and gain all of the information from many different people all in one place because of this great resource. Before events begin, it is good to let people know that you have a #hashtag if they are using Twitter.
If you need some more info on Twitter or other forms of social media and networking in the Asheville area or beyond, please see G Social Media.
The Arts and the Hurricane
Photo: Kyle Mellott via Heather Divoky. Catastrophic flooding swallowed up
buildings of Asheville
5 hours ago
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