Thursday, October 1, 2009

Jason Sabbides presents New Work in Asheville

Sabbides’ oil on canvas paintings are curiously reminiscent of the daring display of figural compositions that were so much a part of Leonardo Da Vinci’s work. The bewitching magic of Da Da and Surrealist artist Max Ernst and the fantastic idealistic landscapes so prominent in the Renaissance Netherlander painters such as Hieronymus Bosch or Peter Bruegel also dominate Sabbides’ work. Similar to Bosch, his work is based on a unique world that he has created. He brings rich color and excruciating details of his imagination to life in his contemporary depictions of a capricious environment through a new technique blending Renaissance glazing techniques of the Old Masters with modern methods. Through processes of underpainting in grisaille (an initial monochromatic layer) followed by glazed and scumbled layers of color, the forms are given the luminosity and timeless three-dimensionality of Renaissance works while evoking a extraordinarily magical, mythic, and surreal human existence.

Friday, October 2, 2009
Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm at Pump Gallery at Phil Mechanic Studios at 109 Roberts Street in Asheville. Phone: 8282542166 Email:

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