"Connection is an essential vitamin. You can't live without it." ~ Edward Hallowell
Full disclosure: I love Twitter. I use the social media tool every day to share my sunrise blog and love-labor website dailycelebrations.com. I have spent many hours sharing ideas and reaching people throughout the world. They call it building my brand. I call it creating meaningful connections.
Building stronger relationships, Twitter introduced me to AskAsheville and gave me this unique forum to share my love of the Asheville community.

Rebecca & Charlie, Tomato Jam Café
Twitter also introduced me to the Tomato Jam Café, a Biltmore Avenue haven serving comfort food since 2005. Via regular tweets, the folks at Tomato Jam Café post food photos, and write Haiku. They share recipes and menu items. They praise their customers. They create online buzz and audience engagement... And with their clever tweets, they created a meaningful connection with me.

I was hooked. By the time I called owners Charlie Widner and Rebecca Daun to place my order, they were like old friends. Shoot, thanks to the intimacy of Twitter, they were old friends. And trust me, the mile-high pot pie they made for me yesterday—they called it “Aloha-filled Veggie Pot Pie” in honor of my Hawaiian heritage—was the most delicious, satisfying meal I’ve had in a long time.
As I write this, I am finishing off one of their carrot cupcakes and remembering that decadently sinful brownie that I ate on the car ride home. With Twitter, Charlie and Rebecca posted a photo of my pie fresh from the oven. And now with the magic of Twitter I can tweet this story with the question, “Have you tried the delicious food at Tomato Jam Café?”
(@mscator welcomes your Twitter follow and posts Asheville sunrise photos daily off her blog http://mosway.blogspot.com/)
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