Monday, December 13, 2010

Asheville PWB “Hard Hats in Heels” Receives Donation

Last week, Asheville Professional Women in Building, a council of the Asheville Home Builders Association, received a $600 donation from Push Asheville Fashion, a locally founded venture geared towards promoting local boutiques and clothing designers through fashion shows and social media.
The PWB, a local builder’s council whose slogan in the community is known as “Hard Hats in Heels,” is dedicated to supporting women within their industry by actively encouraging professional development, supporting active involvement in the political and legislative processes involved in construction, and providing scholarships to local students through community support.  
The donation from Push Asheville Fashion was raised from proceeds earned at a July fashion show produced earlier in the year by coordinator, Sonia Hendrix, featuring local clothing items from 18 boutiques and 12 local designers.  As requested by Push Asheville Fashion, the donation has been earmarked by the PWB for their student educational scholarship fund.
For the second consecutive year, the community driven organization, founded in 2008, will award a scholarship to a qualified North Carolina student seeking an education in a building or construction related field.
Chapter President Amanda Ballew, @AVLCustomCloset on Twitter, was excited to present the donation during the council’s Holiday Member Luncheon, stating, “We are so excited to receive this donation for our scholarship fund. It took us two years to earn our first scholarship [awarded last year], so it’s a huge impact on what we’ll be able to contribute.” Ballew went on to say, “it is definitely going to impact the actual number of scholarships that we’re able to give.”
Students interested in applying for the scholarship can find application details on the Asheville Home Builder’s Association webpage, and view the PWB section or call the AHBA at (828) 299-7001.

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