Park Ridge Health Weekly Events for 6/27-7/3
Free Health Screenings with the Park Ridge WOW Van: $10 PSA Screening-No appointment required. PSA blood test for men 50 years of age or older; age 40 if father or brother had prostate cancer. Wednesday, 6/29, CVS Hendersonville, 1604 Four Seasons Blvd., 9am-12pm. Free Bone Density Screening-Bone Density Screening for osteoporosis. Please wear shoes and socks easy to slip off. Wednesday, 6/29, CVS Hendersonville, 1604 Four Seasons Blvd., 9am-12pm. Free EKG and Blood pressure. Tuesday, 6/28, Dollar Tree Hendersonville, 100 Highland Square Drive, 2pm-5pm. Experience the Baby Place-Baby Place tour. Monday, 6/27, Park Ridge Health, 100 Hospital Drive, 6-7pm.
Free Lunch and Learns: "ABC's of Cardiac Testing"-Cyril Abrams, M.D., will present. Tuesday, 6/28, Park Ridge Health Duke Room, 100 Hospital Drive, Hendersonville, 12pm-1pm. "Introduction to Creation Health Series"-This lunch and learn is a free event introduction to the class series. Discover the 8 timeless principles for living life to the fullest. Thursday, 6/30, Park Ridge Health Duke Room, 100 Hospital Drive, 12-12:30pm. http://www.parkridgehealth.org/experience-park-ridge/events
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