Thursday, February 5, 2009

Asheville, This Saturday... A $6 Meal Can Help Shayla & other children with cancer

Event Info: Benefit Fundraiser
Host: Amber Stephens
Saturday, February 7, 2009, Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm. Location: Swannanoa Fire Dept (Sub-Station) Street: 510 Bee Tree Rd. City/Town: Swannanoa, NC: 828-275-1130, Email:

Spaghetti Benefit for Shayla on Saturday, Feb 7th 4:00pm to 6:00pm at the Swannanoa Fire Dept (Sub-Station) 510 Bee Tree Rd. Swannanoa, NC 28778 $6.00 per person Price includes Drink, Meal, and Dessert.
Note To Volunteers: please send message to Amber Stephens or Daniel Davila... Shayla is a beautiful 3 year old little girl who is filled with joy! Shayla loves to play with her baby dolls, read books, help cook, and get into makeup! Shayla was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuro-blastoma Cancer with bone marrow disease. She is receiving intense treatment throughout the next several months. Please keep Shayla and her family in your prayers as they travel on this journey. Please help show support by purchasing raffle tickets on the following items. Proceeds will go to Shayla’s family, and to Research and finding a cure for Neuro-Blastoma. (This event was taken from
Message from Shayla's Nurse:
"I know that there are so many people who want to help and who love us so much. Sometimes it is stressful for me because I feel like I do not even know how to help. I would kindly like to request that if there is a desire to give Shayla a birthday present, that it please be a gift that she can use here at the hospital. I have written about the Child Life program and how great they are. They do not have a website yet, but would love to have new release DVD's, art supplies, and washable (not cloth) toys (or baby dolls) for all of the children to enjoy. Even a gift card would be great for them!"

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