Our Asheville Photo Point #2 is the Asheville Federal Building Monument. It is set on the side area of the Federal Building on Otis Street. This "new" Federal Building in Asheville was completed in 1995 and the Monument was set afterwards. The have a nice open space around it, not really used for anything. This is Asheville Kissing Point #2!
We invite you, whoever you are to take a pic at this point in Asheville and share it with the 1000's of others who will do the same. You may live in or near Asheville or you may just be passing through. Get a photo at the Asheville Federal Building!
Take a pic at this point and name it "So and So at the Asheville Federal Building - Pic or Kissing Point #2".
Many businesses right around the Asheville Federal Building including Wick and Greene Jewelers, Thrifty Mufflers & Brakes, Downtown Inn (be careful), Wall Street up and to the right with dozens of fantastic Asheville businesses, Asheville Imagining Technologies and Asheville Bus Depot down the street (behind), and Jack of the Wood bar, The Asheville Yacht Club, and Thirsty Monk to the right on the way to Pritchard Park.
The Arts and the Hurricane
Photo: Kyle Mellott via Heather Divoky. Catastrophic flooding swallowed up
buildings of Asheville
6 hours ago
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