After I crossed over the mountains for the final leg of my commute it was five-15 and the winter sky had turned dusky. I left I-26 behind and merged into the torrent of vehicles being dumped onto Patton Ave and the 240 connecter. I kept thinking "when will the amount of traffic be back to ‘normal’ ?" because , for the 'off season' there were way too many cars and still many out of state tags: Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee with North Carolina dispersed in between each out of state representative.
The roadway seemed alive, animated, reminding me of an anthill after it has been disturbed causing hundreds of sentinels to spill out, at the ready, to meet head on any threat at hand. For some reason I suddenly decided to turn my road tension around and honor the season. I reframed the scene and suddenly I did not feel threatened by all the cars and trucks spilling onto the roadways from every direction. What I saw were cars and trucks that decorated the roadways as they came together into one long string of twinkling holiday lights.
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Moods in the Mountains
Hello again! This is the latest Mellow Monday, but it’s also an anniversary
of sorts. Eight years ag
1 day ago
Thank you for this letter. I think that it is folks like you and this loving, grateful, and kind way of thinking that makes the Asheville are so special!
Signed - NC girl with TN tags
thanks Kathryn. I must say that some days I am not so generous in spirit but I am trying! Love the "NC girl with the TN tags" !
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