Friday, January 21, 2011

Asheville Freelance Writing Community meets on February 10th

Put the next writers’ group meeting on your calendar! Mark and I thought you’d appreciate a longer lead time, so plan on joining us for an after-hours visit Thursday, February 10. We’ll gather in the table at Posana Restaurant in downtown Asheville at 5:30pm, where you can order drinks, coffee, or a bite to eat. We’ll stay until 7-ish or until the talk runs out.

It’s hard to believe, but we’ve been gathering for over four years now … connecting with fellow freelance, business, and professional writers. Sharing war stories. Trading leads. And sometimes giving good advice. We also continue our time-honored tradition neither demanding nor accepting dues, and strongly resist any formal attempts at organization. We hope you can make it and renew your acquaintance. If you’re planning to join us, please send me a note so we can keep an eye out for you.

Put down the pen and come join us! Bring your business cards!

Your Sometimes-Organizers,
Brenda Dammann and Mark Henry Bloom
Mark H. Bloom
video producer / writer / editor / blogger
Producer, Reel Change Films
Changing the world ... one video at a
323-405-REEL (7335)
Visit my blog for a smile:
Don't Even Go There: A Travel Blog for the Rest of Us
"You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll stay at home more often."

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