Friday, May 7, 2010

AERC of Asheville; Creating Champions of Conservation

There is a new breed of soldier taking the frontlines in the battle to protect our natural resources. These well trained, highly skilled soldiers are armed with the latest technological advancements. They demonstrate an unyielding commitment to their cause and a lifelong dedication to protect the communities they serve. They seek no personal glorification for their actions and take great pride in their place within our society. These foot soldiers are not strangers to hard work. They have chosen a path of little glory and are often under-appreciated until called upon in times of urgent need. They are our neighbors and our friends. They are men and women of all colors, creeds, religions and nationalities; off all ages and from all walks of life. They are here to serve and protect. They are the new frontlines of consumer environmental education. There is a name for these braves Champions of Conservation; they are called "GreenPlumbers".

We are approaching a new horizon for an industry that generally gets little attention and has received little recognition for its contributions to success and advancement of our nation. Indeed a new age is dawning and with it the rise of a new breed of environmental champion, a new hope for the preservation of precious resources;
The GreenPlumber

The AERC of Asheville is a certified regional training facility for GreenPlumbers USA; an internationally recognized accreditation and licensing non-profit organization.
The AERC has partnered with GreenPlumbers USA and will offer core curriculum accreditation courses at their facility in West Asheville beginning in July 2010. The core curriculum training includes advanced technical training in 5 categories of environmental stewardship.

- Caring For Our Water
- Climate Care
- Solar Thermal Technology
- Water Efficient Technology
- Inspection Report Services

The course has been added to the fall AB Tech colander as part of the Community Colleges Technical & Industrial Advancement Curriculum.

For additional information on summer 2010 enrollment opportunities contact:
Aqua Environmental Resource Center

Phone: 828-236-5980


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