Thursday, May 13, 2010

The South French Broads Bring Unique Sound to Black Mountain

Hey, you... yeah you, I see you over there, looking bored and wondering what to do tomorrow night. I have good news, my friends: The South French Broads are taking over the Town Pump in Black Mountain at 8:00, and you need to be there.

These guys (like most of what I listen to, if you've been paying attention) defy description, blending the best get-up-and-shake-your-ass grooves you've ever heard with a healthy dose of humor and a definite edge that will appeal to everyone from club kids to jaded old punks. It's nearly impossible to believe that two guys can make such a huge, awesome noise, but Radix and Alex make it sound like they were born doing it.

Check 'em out-you'll dig it.

The Town Pump is located at 135 Cherry St. in Black Mountain, just off Highway 70, a few miles east of Asheville.

april is a freelance writer from asheville. read more from her here, or follow her on facebook.

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